It's been a long time coming, but reports on the new VR (virtual reality) technology that aims to mimic all the senses.

That's right. Even smell. So you can smell those zombies coming, get a whiff of the filth as you prowl the sewers, and catch the odorous pong of a bottom burp in, well, a title where there's loads of farting.

Quite how it all will work (especially mimicking touch) is beyond us, but click on the pic for the technology, pretty pictures, and more information. has a leaked details of Sony's new entertainment system, the SPoS. In addition, this three minute piece contains technical information, plus exciting news of future Sony releases.

Watch the three minute piece by going here. But be warned: this is NOT work safe. Basically, there's loads of people with potty mouths saying words like f*ck and s*hit!

What? We can't even swear on our own website.

F*ck's sakes!


If you're wondering where PCs are going in the next few years (they can't get much faster and we're already clustering more CPUs into the Core than we can shake a stick at), then Computer and Video Games has an interesting look at home technology on the horizon.

Changes of note are that monitor sizes will increase dramatically, while prices will plummet, we'll get another (sigh) version of Windows, imaginatively called Windows 7 and incorporating a touch screen interface. We'll have super-fast hard drives and USBs.

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