We know. We're on hold for a little while until our new website is up and running (should be next week), but we HAD to post this fantastic psychic test.

Freak out your friends by making them think they have genuine psychic abilities.


Go here for the very simple explanation of how to make the test work (if you can't be bothered to watch the whole boring explanation, simply skip to the 3:50 mark and it's all magically explained).

Happy April's Fool!


The winner of a Russian pancake-eating contest has dropped dead while accepting his prize for gorging on 43 of the banana and cream stuffed desserts. Speed eating 43 banana and cream pancakes is not recommended!

Boris Isayev, 48, from west Russia died on stage moments after winning the competition to mark the end of Butter Week.

The contest, which took place in the town of Chernyakhovsk, was part of festivities to celebrate Maslenitsa, the last week before the period of Lent starts.

According to local traditions, meat, fish, dairy products and eggs are forbidden during Lent, as well as dancing and parties.

Witnesses described Mr Isayev as "the most active participant in the contest" adding that he "ate all the types of pancakes on offer and won fairly".

The witness added: "He had really enjoyed the pancakes but then he started foaming at the mouth and went down like a sack of stones.

"People have fainted during the contests before."

The exact cause of death is not clear but doctors believe he choked after a piece of pancake got lodged in his throat.

You think!

Celebrations are said to have continued after Mr Isayev's body was taken away in an ambulance.


When Tina Banks spotted the cuddly toy parrot (pictured left), she thought it would make the perfect gift for her 11-month-old daughter.

But as the mother-of-four walked home with baby Roxy, she was shocked when the parrot launched into a string of swear words. Passers-by looked at her in disgust as it screeched: 'I'm going to rip your head off and sh*t down your neck', and other tasty obscenities.

Click on the pic for more on this bizarre story.


A 10-foot crocodile is recuperating in a Florida zoo after undergoing reconstructive surgery.

The ground breaking four-hour operation took place at Miami's Metrozoo facility yesterday.

The giant male predator, affectionately named Robo-Croc following the operation, had been close to death after having its head crushed by a car in the Florida Keys last year.


A Florida woman called the emergency services (911) three times after being told her local McDonalds were out of Chicken McNuggets.

"This is an emergency," total nut job, Latreasa L. Goodman, told the emergency services. “If I would have known they didn't have McNuggets, I wouldn't have given my money!”

Check out the not at all insane story by clicking here.

But it could only happen in America.


Kokatu has posted art of what future civilizations might discover from the fossilized remains of the gaming generation.

Click on the pic for more details and a lot more cool art.


Joystiq reports on the similarities between the Resident Evil adverts and the new Avon advert for their Derma-Full product.

Click on the pic to see the full story, including Avon's scarily similar to the Resi promotional advert, and lots more pics.

Could Avon be the new Umbrella? Only time will tell, but in the event of a zombie invasion, the geeks will be the only ones prepared.

So be ready...


Star Trek and chocolate don't exactly go hand in hand, but last year, TrekMovie revealed that candy company Les Chocolats Vadeboncoeur, a famous Canadian chocolatier in business since 1985, had a new license for Star Trek themed Easter chocolates. Their first available candy from the company is an amazingly detailed USS Defiant NX-74205 in an ultra cool box. The Defiant is carefully rendered, and especially cool is the inclusion of its registry number. As an added bonus, the chocolate is from a peanut free factory.

The suggest retail price is $7 for the hollow milk chocolate candy. However, like William Shatner himself, the Defiant is exclusively from Canada and is available only there (in Ontario at Wal-Mart and Zellers stores, and in Quebec at Wal-Mart, Zellers, Jean Coutu, London Drugs, and most chain pharmacies).

While this isn’t the first time Star Trek has been chocolatized, the Les Chocolats Vadeboncoeur Defiant is the first "three dimensional" hollow chocolate. Leaf Candy was the last company to release Star Trek chocolate, but those were bars to promote the film Star Trek: First Contact, and it was really the wrappers that were cool. Also unusual is that most companies start their lines with TOS or TNG items, yet Les Chocolats Vadeboncoeur has decided to respect DS9 instead with the Defiant which is a better design for the chocolate format. Fans who like to keep their collectibles in the box, however, may find that resistance is indeed futile and might be tempted to enjoy this Star Trek item!


Nope, your eyes are not deceiving you! Manapotions.com are now selling energy drinks targetted to the geek gamer.

Available in mana blue and health red, these caffeine-based energy drinks are guaranteed to give you a boost right when you most need it.

The disclaimer warns: You must be a level 16 or higher to use this potion, by that we mean not recommended for mortals under 16.

Click on the pic for more details, or click here to read the very geeky FAQ.


Muckflash reports on the Japanese fascination with artificial intelligence, this time focused on the emotion of love.

Must Kill. Must Kill! Researchers at Toshiba’s Akimu Robotic Research Institute were thrilled when they successfully programmed Kenji, a third generation humanoid robot, to convincingly emulate certain human emotions. Now, they fear that his programming has taken an extreme turn for the worst for Kenji displays outrageous affection toward the daily object of his desires.

Crushy Crushy Ten Dollar: The trouble started when a young female intern began to spend several hours each day with Kenji, testing his systems and loading new software routines. When it came time to leave one evening, Kenji refused to let her out of his lab enclosure and used his bulky mechanical body to block her exit and hug her repeatedly. The intern was only able to escape after she had frantically phoned two senior staff members to come and temporarily de-activate Kenji.

Check out the picture for more details of this story of robot love gone mad.