Has it really been ten years since wacky sci-fi series Farscape was last on our TVs? Where does the time go?

Well, the producers have released this T-Shirt to commemorate the occasion; click on the image to buy one from Zazzle.com, but be warned, they're pretty limited in number, so get one while you can.


The BBC will slap the TARDIS on anything, as 'classy' Brit newspaper The Sun has announced plans for a High School Musical-esque Doctor Who themed musical scheduled to hit theaters in 2009.

It'll be crap, but will sell out in three seconds flat.

If you want to see moon-walking monsters, singing Sontarans and dancing Daleks, click on the TARDIS to get the low down.


If you've not heard about it, Joss Whedon's new TV show, Dollhouse is a sci-fi drama about a group of operatives who have their minds reprogrammed each week to perform special assignments.

While it reeks of Joe 90, the show's initial ratings in the often dismal Friday night slot were fairly low for a show premier, but it's clearly the time slot and not the show itself, for the show raced to number 1 in the iTunes downloads.

Check out the image below for more details. A review of the first episode, Ghost, will be online soon.


The adage 'there's one born every minute' was confirmed recently when HBO executives had to recall all viral marketing advertisements related to their fictional synthetic blood, Tru Blood. Apparently, mortals were getting confused over where to buy the beverage.

Adverts like this one appeared all across America...

Click on the picture to go to HBO's fake site for the show's eponymous synthetic blood drink.

People tried to buy this stuff!? Really?

True Blood the vampire horror / romance series will be released on DVD in the USA on 19th May 2009 and will be shown across the world on standard TV channels throughout the year.

And, vampires don't exist. Right?