If you're in London central tomorrow, you can take part in Capcom's Body Part Hunt and win the holiday of a lifetime to Africa.

Details to Follow...

The hunt is upon us. The infected have been and gone - but they have left behind the bloodied remains of their victims. Find the bodies on the morning of Thursday March 12th and win a holiday to Africa.

Register with us at [email protected] to be sure of receiving the clues as to where the remains can be found.

Find as many of the bodies as you can , or what is left of them, and return them to Westminster Bridge by 11am .

The body parts will be hidden at locations near Trafalgar Square, within this area:


And this is where you should take them:


Alert us to your presence by standing on the bridge, holding the artficial b ody p arts over your head and shouting "Kijuju!". We will be there, watching you, and will approach when you make yourselves known.

Points allocated for each body part - 2 points for arms, 2 points for legs, 3 points for torsos , 5 points for a head. The more body parts you find and bring to us, the more points you get. The player(s) with the most points b y 1 1am win the holiday to Africa.

The game begins at 9am. Good hunting - we will see you on the bridge. Take pictures, take video, have fun. And don't wear your best clothes - it's going to be messy.  


Joystiq reports on the similarities between the Resident Evil adverts and the new Avon advert for their Derma-Full product.

Click on the pic to see the full story, including Avon's scarily similar to the Resi promotional advert, and lots more pics.

Could Avon be the new Umbrella? Only time will tell, but in the event of a zombie invasion, the geeks will be the only ones prepared.

So be ready...


You too can make your own ADAM syringe from deep sea horror game, Bioshock.
The talented guys at Volpin Props show you how to hand-craft your own device.

Once made, you can go around your local hospital or mortuary sucking the marrow from corpses and injecting yourself with it - but remember, kids: that wouldn't be at all illegal or creepy!

Go here to see more of Volpin Props' cool weapons from gaming.


Japanese actress, Chiaki Kuriyama, who played Kill Bill's maniac teenage murderess, Gogo Yubari, appears in the Resident Evil 5 TV spots.

Check out the short movie by visiting Kotaku.com


Sequel to the highly successful Spanish zombie flick, [REC], [REC2] continues right where the first movie left off.

Expect more grisly first person horror and the obligatory (and inferior) US copycat movie to follow shortly after.

Check out the trailer and get the skinny on the new movie by clicking here or on the poster.


Don't say 'the what?', everyone knows the Rondo Awards are horror's equivalent of the Oscars and you can vote for them by going to the Rondo Awards site where you can choose from categories like: Best Horror Movie of 2008, Best Horror Blog, to the more obscure Best Independent Horror Magazine Cover.

Check out the site and send in your email votes.