Well, it's taken quite a while, but we finally did it.

This site is dead. Defunct. It's kicked the (dice) bucket on -10 hit points and has gone to the big gaffa tape sword outlet in the sky.

But, fear not, for you can now find us brand new and improved at:


AND, what's more, we now have a fabulous store filled with cool collectibles from all across the globe. The store is at:


Enjoy and see you there soon.

News reports are coming in on the possibility of a UK price drop for the PS3 and PSP. We could see as much as a 25% reduction in both machines, which are still the most expensive gaming consoles in production at the moment.

Click on the link for the full story, courtesy of computerandvideogames.com


It might be a bit of a mouthful, but Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe is one hell of a free game.

Based around the insanely popular Guitar Hero, this takes things to the next difficulty level, with use of cursor keys plus the 1 to 4 keys. That's a lot of fumbling on your keyboard to hit the right notes.

Go on, waste days of your life - we dare you!


The first details of sequel to 2007's Bioshock have finally surfaced from the depths. But in place of the Big Daddy, it looks like we've got a Big Sister...

Click here to get the lowdown. But be warned, this article at computerandvideogames.com is filled with spoilers!


If you're in London central tomorrow, you can take part in Capcom's Body Part Hunt and win the holiday of a lifetime to Africa.

Details to Follow...

The hunt is upon us. The infected have been and gone - but they have left behind the bloodied remains of their victims. Find the bodies on the morning of Thursday March 12th and win a holiday to Africa.

Register with us at [email protected] to be sure of receiving the clues as to where the remains can be found.

Find as many of the bodies as you can , or what is left of them, and return them to Westminster Bridge by 11am .

The body parts will be hidden at locations near Trafalgar Square, within this area:


And this is where you should take them:


Alert us to your presence by standing on the bridge, holding the artficial b ody p arts over your head and shouting "Kijuju!". We will be there, watching you, and will approach when you make yourselves known.

Points allocated for each body part - 2 points for arms, 2 points for legs, 3 points for torsos , 5 points for a head. The more body parts you find and bring to us, the more points you get. The player(s) with the most points b y 1 1am win the holiday to Africa.

The game begins at 9am. Good hunting - we will see you on the bridge. Take pictures, take video, have fun. And don't wear your best clothes - it's going to be messy.  


Kokatu has posted art of what future civilizations might discover from the fossilized remains of the gaming generation.

Click on the pic for more details and a lot more cool art.


Joystiq reports on the similarities between the Resident Evil adverts and the new Avon advert for their Derma-Full product.

Click on the pic to see the full story, including Avon's scarily similar to the Resi promotional advert, and lots more pics.

Could Avon be the new Umbrella? Only time will tell, but in the event of a zombie invasion, the geeks will be the only ones prepared.

So be ready...


The new Bioshock 2 teaser website it up and running and contains some interesting clues to the sequel's format. It turns out it won't be a prequel after all, but will be set seven years after the first game and seems to be far more story driven with disappearing girls and strange creatures.

Check out the site here.


We can't imagine many will care, but, especially for the schadenfreude out there, here are the final dying moments of the MMO that never really got out of the starting gates ('cos it was crap).

Follow this link to watch the movie, courtesy of those clever boys and girls at Kokatu. There's even a dying moments video with music by Queen, which might make it more palatable for some.


Computer and Video Games is today reporting a story that Microsoft has come down hard on gamers who announce their sexuality in their XBOX Live profiles.

The company has shafted the gay community with a slew of edits and amendments to profiles, and remains tight-fisted with their backs against the wall, citing Live Terms and Conditions as a reason for the changes.

So, if you're a boy who likes joysticks, or a girl who likes rumble packs, you're not allowed to tell people in your profile.

Click out the definitely not gay Live link for the juicy story.