If you're in London central tomorrow, you can take part in Capcom's Body Part Hunt and win the holiday of a lifetime to Africa.

Details to Follow...

The hunt is upon us. The infected have been and gone - but they have left behind the bloodied remains of their victims. Find the bodies on the morning of Thursday March 12th and win a holiday to Africa.

Register with us at [email protected] to be sure of receiving the clues as to where the remains can be found.

Find as many of the bodies as you can , or what is left of them, and return them to Westminster Bridge by 11am .

The body parts will be hidden at locations near Trafalgar Square, within this area:


And this is where you should take them:


Alert us to your presence by standing on the bridge, holding the artficial b ody p arts over your head and shouting "Kijuju!". We will be there, watching you, and will approach when you make yourselves known.

Points allocated for each body part - 2 points for arms, 2 points for legs, 3 points for torsos , 5 points for a head. The more body parts you find and bring to us, the more points you get. The player(s) with the most points b y 1 1am win the holiday to Africa.

The game begins at 9am. Good hunting - we will see you on the bridge. Take pictures, take video, have fun. And don't wear your best clothes - it's going to be messy.  

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