Has it really been ten years since wacky sci-fi series Farscape was last on our TVs? Where does the time go?

Well, the producers have released this T-Shirt to commemorate the occasion; click on the image to buy one from Zazzle.com, but be warned, they're pretty limited in number, so get one while you can.


When Tina Banks spotted the cuddly toy parrot (pictured left), she thought it would make the perfect gift for her 11-month-old daughter.

But as the mother-of-four walked home with baby Roxy, she was shocked when the parrot launched into a string of swear words. Passers-by looked at her in disgust as it screeched: 'I'm going to rip your head off and sh*t down your neck', and other tasty obscenities.

Click on the pic for more on this bizarre story.


News reports are coming in on the possibility of a UK price drop for the PS3 and PSP. We could see as much as a 25% reduction in both machines, which are still the most expensive gaming consoles in production at the moment.

Click on the link for the full story, courtesy of computerandvideogames.com


WASHINGTON: Scientists have come up with a new type of glass from opaque titanium and zirconium, which is harder, tougher and weighs less than stainless steel. According to a report in Discovery News, the glass has been developed by scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, US. The experts who developed and tested the opaque glass hope it could one day replace steel and aluminum in a variety of products, from golf clubs to airplanes.

“The problem with most (types of) glass is that they have very bad fatigue resistance,” meaning they break easily, said Maximilien Launey, a scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “What we’ve done is introduce a second phase that is able to improve the fatigue resistance. Now, it’s as good as other high-strength alloys like steel,” he added.

To create the tough, metallic glass, the scientists first heat an alloy of half titanium and half zirconium to 800°C until melt. The liquid metal is allowed to cool slowly for a minute or two, and then cooled very rapidly after that.
By cooling slowly and then quickly, the scientists allowed tiny Christmas tree-like crystalline structures to grow through the metal. Rapidly cooling the rest of the metal maintains the glassy atomic structure.

The crystalline structures stop any cracks that from moving more than two to five microns in length. The glass gives the material its strength, while the Christmas tree-structures give it toughness. In subsequent stress tests, the 1 to 10-centimeter pieces of glass were dramatically tougher than any previous metallic glass, a full order of magnitude more resistant to breaking and stronger than steel.

Since the alloy is titanium and zirconium instead of steel, it weighs significantly less than steel. It also melts at much lower temperatures than steel, making it easier and faster to produce. It also melts at much lower temperatures than steel, making it easier and faster to produce. “We could make an airplane out of metallic glass,” said Launey.


A 10-foot crocodile is recuperating in a Florida zoo after undergoing reconstructive surgery.

The ground breaking four-hour operation took place at Miami's Metrozoo facility yesterday.

The giant male predator, affectionately named Robo-Croc following the operation, had been close to death after having its head crushed by a car in the Florida Keys last year.


It might be a bit of a mouthful, but Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe is one hell of a free game.

Based around the insanely popular Guitar Hero, this takes things to the next difficulty level, with use of cursor keys plus the 1 to 4 keys. That's a lot of fumbling on your keyboard to hit the right notes.

Go on, waste days of your life - we dare you!


Check out this funny movie starring John Hamm as Lex Luthor appealing to the President for a cash bail out for Luthorcorp.

Click here for the super plea.


A new global arms race is escalating: the one to protect us from the mosquito, the carriers of Malaria, a deadly parasite that kills around one million people annually.

Rocket scientists are now using lasers to target flying mosquitoes with deadly accuracy.

Check out this link to see more Weapons of Mosquito Destruction!


The first details of sequel to 2007's Bioshock have finally surfaced from the depths. But in place of the Big Daddy, it looks like we've got a Big Sister...

Click here to get the lowdown. But be warned, this article at computerandvideogames.com is filled with spoilers!


A Florida woman called the emergency services (911) three times after being told her local McDonalds were out of Chicken McNuggets.

"This is an emergency," total nut job, Latreasa L. Goodman, told the emergency services. “If I would have known they didn't have McNuggets, I wouldn't have given my money!”

Check out the not at all insane story by clicking here.

But it could only happen in America.