Worthy of a few minutes of your time, The Great Eggscape is a collection of mini games designed to sell Cadbury Cream Eggs (not that they need much selling...) MMMM chocolate!

Click on the egg for the link


If you're someone who has longed to see the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights), there's a website that can help. You don't have to travel to the Arctic Circle to see the mysterious ribbons of light - they can be seen (occasionally) as far south as northern Europe. You just need to know when - and where - to look.

Thankfully, Aurora Watch has the answer. They monitor for solar activity and can even point you in the right direction to see this elusive phenomenon.

Visit the website

Click here to see more stunning aurorae pictures.


It's been a long time coming, but dailymail.co.uk reports on the new VR (virtual reality) technology that aims to mimic all the senses.

That's right. Even smell. So you can smell those zombies coming, get a whiff of the filth as you prowl the sewers, and catch the odorous pong of a bottom burp in, well, a title where there's loads of farting.

Quite how it all will work (especially mimicking touch) is beyond us, but click on the pic for the technology, pretty pictures, and more information.


This rather fruity little movie explains in <ahem> clear detail exactly why you can't time travel in clothing.

Get ready for the science lesson. Concentrate!


If you're in London central tomorrow, you can take part in Capcom's Body Part Hunt and win the holiday of a lifetime to Africa.

Details to Follow...

The hunt is upon us. The infected have been and gone - but they have left behind the bloodied remains of their victims. Find the bodies on the morning of Thursday March 12th and win a holiday to Africa.

Register with us at [email protected] to be sure of receiving the clues as to where the remains can be found.

Find as many of the bodies as you can , or what is left of them, and return them to Westminster Bridge by 11am .

The body parts will be hidden at locations near Trafalgar Square, within this area:


And this is where you should take them:


Alert us to your presence by standing on the bridge, holding the artficial b ody p arts over your head and shouting "Kijuju!". We will be there, watching you, and will approach when you make yourselves known.

Points allocated for each body part - 2 points for arms, 2 points for legs, 3 points for torsos , 5 points for a head. The more body parts you find and bring to us, the more points you get. The player(s) with the most points b y 1 1am win the holiday to Africa.

The game begins at 9am. Good hunting - we will see you on the bridge. Take pictures, take video, have fun. And don't wear your best clothes - it's going to be messy.  


Kokatu has posted art of what future civilizations might discover from the fossilized remains of the gaming generation.

Click on the pic for more details and a lot more cool art.


This image might look like a bunch of Lego for the new millennium, but it is in fact a model of a ‘nanocar’.

The clustered molecules can roll around on a glass slide at about nine nanomiles per hour (translated: really slow), and its wheels actually turn.

The nanocar is no more than 4 nanometers (translated: tiny) across, which is slightly wider than a strand of DNA (any clearer? Nope, we thought not).

Nanovehicles like these are designed to study the materials and movements, to make it easier for researchers to build more sophisticated molecular machines. Eventually the researchers want to build tiny trucks that could carry atoms and molecules around in miniature factories. So in the future, we could have tiny ambulances racing through our veins instead of antibiotics.

Click on the pic for the full story.

Sound like sci-fi? You betcha. Watch this space for more on nanocars.


Joystiq reports on the similarities between the Resident Evil adverts and the new Avon advert for their Derma-Full product.

Click on the pic to see the full story, including Avon's scarily similar to the Resi promotional advert, and lots more pics.

Could Avon be the new Umbrella? Only time will tell, but in the event of a zombie invasion, the geeks will be the only ones prepared.

So be ready...


Star Trek and chocolate don't exactly go hand in hand, but last year, TrekMovie revealed that candy company Les Chocolats Vadeboncoeur, a famous Canadian chocolatier in business since 1985, had a new license for Star Trek themed Easter chocolates. Their first available candy from the company is an amazingly detailed USS Defiant NX-74205 in an ultra cool box. The Defiant is carefully rendered, and especially cool is the inclusion of its registry number. As an added bonus, the chocolate is from a peanut free factory.

The suggest retail price is $7 for the hollow milk chocolate candy. However, like William Shatner himself, the Defiant is exclusively from Canada and is available only there (in Ontario at Wal-Mart and Zellers stores, and in Quebec at Wal-Mart, Zellers, Jean Coutu, London Drugs, and most chain pharmacies).

While this isn’t the first time Star Trek has been chocolatized, the Les Chocolats Vadeboncoeur Defiant is the first "three dimensional" hollow chocolate. Leaf Candy was the last company to release Star Trek chocolate, but those were bars to promote the film Star Trek: First Contact, and it was really the wrappers that were cool. Also unusual is that most companies start their lines with TOS or TNG items, yet Les Chocolats Vadeboncoeur has decided to respect DS9 instead with the Defiant which is a better design for the chocolate format. Fans who like to keep their collectibles in the box, however, may find that resistance is indeed futile and might be tempted to enjoy this Star Trek item!


Nope, your eyes are not deceiving you! Manapotions.com are now selling energy drinks targetted to the geek gamer.

Available in mana blue and health red, these caffeine-based energy drinks are guaranteed to give you a boost right when you most need it.

The disclaimer warns: You must be a level 16 or higher to use this potion, by that we mean not recommended for mortals under 16.

Click on the pic for more details, or click here to read the very geeky FAQ.